Agrineer - Campaign for SME and sensor comparison

This is a (future) crowd-funding campaign to study how in-house, open-source, sensor data compare with estimated values from's SME.

This is the second phase toward calibrating SME values for local conditions. See the first phase here.

The aim is to implement, experimentally, a network of low-cost, yet accurate, sensors which can reveal soil tendencies not apparent to the SME for a specific location. Once identified, these tendencies would be hueristically addressed through parameter or algorithmic adjustments in the SME application.

This study begins the iterative process toward a validated practical implementation of the SME application. The intent is to learn how local variability can be adjusted for in the SME application.

Campaign Goal

Our goal is to raise sufficient funding to:

  • apply lessons learned from the first phase toward this study.
  • conduct field data acquisition over new growing and non-growing seasons, using in-house sensors.
  • compare the networked sensor data with SME values, analyze, and report.
  • funding permitting, implement lessons learned into future studies and repeat until practical limits are established.
A detailed breakout will be available at the crowd-funding site (to be determined). Data and results will be submitted for publication.

Please check back later to see when we have launched this campaign.